Sea cable installation in Lyckebyån in the town Emmaboda in Sweden.


The divisible cable protection pipe Greenpipe Snipp & Snapp™ Panzar is made of 100% high quality recycled plastic provides extra protection of 1 high-voltage cable, 2 low-voltage cables and a pipe for fiber in the Lyckebyån in the town Emmaboda, the lake part is approximately 85 meters long. The work is carried out by winching over water and laying on shore edges.

The cables are protected the entire distance by approximately 100 pieces of Greenpipe Snipp & Snapp Panzar SRE-P 160 and weighted in the water with approximately 40 pieces of Greenpipe Uni Weight 18 kg.

By using Greenpipe Snipp & Snapp Panzar, Emmaboda Energi has contributed to an environmental saving equivalent to:
1,536 Co2e kg and 1,020 liters of new raw material in oil

Network owner/customer: Emmaboda Energi

Diving contractor: H. Andersson dive.