Greenpipe is currently delivering our sustainable products around and outside of Europe – please enjoy some of the projects where our products have been used.
Easy installation of charging posts on the universal base Greenpipe 1Base
The Swedish company Assemblin based in the town Värnamo has used Greenpipe 1Base to install charging posts. They prepared the installation by install [...]
The Swedish company Bravida in Växjö has installed EV-chargers for electric cars that were anchored with Greenpipe 1Base.
The choice of bases was easy, as Greenpipe 1Base has many advantages. The product is easy to handle as it does not weigh as much. This saves us time [...]
10 new charging stations in the car park at the Vida hockey arena in Växjö, Sweden.
The Greenpipe´s hometown Växjö has now got 10 new charging stations in the car park at VIDA hockey arena. The five charging posts were anchored with [...]
Greenpipe supply cable protection pipes to a Windfarm on Åland.
Allwinds has build Åland's largest wind farm, the Långnabba project, which will produce more than half of Åland's annual electricity consumption. Ther [...]
Floating solar power plant in Port Oostende, Belgium
Greenpipe, together with 11 other companies from 7 countries, has participated in a unique project where a floating solar power plant has been built [...]
Greenpipe’s divisible cable protection pipes at Australia’s railways.
Greenpipe recently provided some 5500 meters of our sustainable and divisible cable protection pipes to Australia via our local distributor Safetrack [...]
Greenpipe’s divisible cable protection pipes are a problem solver
In the town Tingsryd, which is located in Sweden, there were problems along the street Växjövägen when new cables were to be dug down. The workers co [...]
Installation of Snap bases in a wind farm
In the wind farm in Åby-Alebo in Sweden, the company Kanonaden Entreprenad has chosen to test Greenpipes Snapp base™ 60 as an anchoring solution for [...]
Assembly of park benches
Greenpipe has had the opportunity to visit Jennie Hermansson and Johnny Bengtsson at the company Mark & Miljö from Ljungby in Sweden, when they w [...]
Greenpipe protects fiber cables in Puerto Rico
To provide Puerto Rico with fiber optics the ARCOS-1 fiber optic cable installed 2001 connects Puerto Rico with surrounding islands. Due to significa [...]
2300 m divisible cable protection pipes for Swedish railway project
Project: Temporary protection of cables at construction of new tracks, Lustån, Dalarna county. Product: 2300 meters Snap Hardlock™ 110 mm Contrac [...]
Snap Split Pipes™ cable protection system installed at wind park
Project & location: Stigshöjden wind park Net owner: Ox2 Entrepreneur: One Nordic Product & quantities: 4400 meters Snap Hardlock™ 160 mm and [...]
Additional mechanical protection for fiber ducts
Product: Snap Hardlock™ The divisible cable protection was installed as an extra mechanical protection to secure the fiber optics and continues opera [...]
Snap Panzar™ installed over morass in wind park
Project & location: Cable protection at Vattenfall's biggest land based wind park at Blakliden and Fäbodberget. Product: Snap Panzar™ [...]
Split pipe cable protection at military base
Product: Snap Hardlock™ 110 mm. Protection of electrical cables at military base. [...]
25000 meters cable conduit pipe to nuclear site
Project: temporary cables at nuclear site in France. Purchaser: EDF Product & quantities: 25000 meters Snap Hardlock™ 160 mm with accessory Snap [...]
Snap Panzar™ as additional excavator protection
Project & location: Excavator protection, Hässleholm, Sweden. Purchaser: E.on Entrepreneur: Vattenfall Service Product & quantities: 3200 met [...]
Temporary cable at construction site protected with split pipes
Project: Temporary cables at construction site. Product: 1600 meters of Snap Hardlock™ 110 mm [...]
Sub-sea cable installation at the south coast of Sweden
Project & location: "Möcklö-Senoren", electrifying an island in the archipelago of Karlskrona, Sweden. Purchaser: E.on Entrepreneurs: Vattenfall [...]
Snap Panzar™ cable protection installed over ice at the archipelago of Stockholm
Project & location: Installation of sub-sea cable protection during winter, archipelago of Stockholm, Sweden. Purchaser: Boo Energi Entrepreneur: [...]
Extra cable protection for cable crossing a river
Project & location: Extra cable protection for cable crossing the "Alsterån" river, Kalmar County, Sweden. Purchaser: Ålem Energi Entrepreneur: H [...]
Prolongation of existing sub-sea cable with Snap Panzar™
Project & location: Prolongation of existing sub-sea cable, west coast archipelago of Sweden. Product & quantities: 1650 meters Snap Panzar™ [...]
Temporary rail cable protected with Snap Hardlock™
Project & location: Temporary protection at rebuild of railway, Jönköping, Sweden. Net owner: Trafikverket (The Swedish Transport Administration) [...]
Sub-sea fiber cable installation, Snäckö, east coast archipelago of Sweden
Project & location: Sub-sea fiber cable installation to Snäckö, east coast archipelago of Sweden. Entrepreneur: Peab Net Owner: Telia Company Pro [...]