Wind farms
Kenneth Fridenborn
Greenpipe supply cable protection pipes to a Windfarm on Åland.
Allwinds has build Åland's largest wind farm, the Långnabba project, which will produce more than half of Åland's annual electricity consumption. Ther [...]
Kenneth Fridenborn
Installation of Snap bases in a wind farm
In the wind farm in Åby-Alebo in Sweden, the company Kanonaden Entreprenad has chosen to test Greenpipes Snapp base™ 60 as an anchoring solution for [...]
Snap Split Pipes™ cable protection system installed at wind park
Project & location: Stigshöjden wind park Net owner: Ox2 Entrepreneur: One Nordic Product & quantities: 4400 meters Snap Hardlock™ 160 mm and [...]
Snap Panzar™ installed over morass in wind park
Project & location: Cable protection at Vattenfall's biggest land based wind park at Blakliden and Fäbodberget. Product: Snap Panzar™ [...]