Sub-sea cabel
Greenpipe protects fiber cables in Puerto Rico
To provide Puerto Rico with fiber optics the ARCOS-1 fiber optic cable installed 2001 connects Puerto Rico with surrounding islands. Due to significa [...]
Sub-sea cable installation at the south coast of Sweden
Project & location: "Möcklö-Senoren", electrifying an island in the archipelago of Karlskrona, Sweden. Purchaser: E.on Entrepreneurs: Vattenfall [...]
Snap Panzar™ cable protection installed over ice at the archipelago of Stockholm
Project & location: Installation of sub-sea cable protection during winter, archipelago of Stockholm, Sweden. Purchaser: Boo Energi Entrepreneur: [...]
Extra cable protection for cable crossing a river
Project & location: Extra cable protection for cable crossing the "Alsterån" river, Kalmar County, Sweden. Purchaser: Ålem Energi Entrepreneur: H [...]
Prolongation of existing sub-sea cable with Snap Panzar™
Project & location: Prolongation of existing sub-sea cable, west coast archipelago of Sweden. Product & quantities: 1650 meters Snap Panzar™ [...]
Sub-sea fiber cable installation, Snäckö, east coast archipelago of Sweden
Project & location: Sub-sea fiber cable installation to Snäckö, east coast archipelago of Sweden. Entrepreneur: Peab Net Owner: Telia Company Pro [...]
Subsea cable installation Drammensfjord, Norway
Project & location: Drammensfjord, Norway Net owner: Skagerak Nett Entrepreneur: Seløy Undervannsservice AS Product & quantities: 1800 meters [...]