Greenpipe’s divisible cable protection pipes at Australia’s railways.
Greenpipe recently provided some 5500 meters of our sustainable and divisible cable protection pipes to Australia via our local distributor Safetrack [...]
2300 m divisible cable protection pipes for Swedish railway project
Project: Temporary protection of cables at construction of new tracks, Lustån, Dalarna county. Product: 2300 meters Snap Hardlock™ 110 mm Contrac [...]
Temporary rail cable protected with Snap Hardlock™
Project & location: Temporary protection at rebuild of railway, Jönköping, Sweden. Net owner: Trafikverket (The Swedish Transport Administration) [...]
Split pipe cable protection at railway tunnel project “Varbergstunneln”
Project & location: "Varbergstunneln", Varberg, Sweden. Net owner: Trafikverket (The Swedish Transport Administration) Entrepreneurs: Infranord & [...]
Divisible cable protection ducts for railway project Flackarp – Arlöv, Sweden
Net owner: Trafikverket (The Swedish Transport Administration) Entrepreneur: NCC/OHL Product & quantities: 3500 meters of Snap Hardlock™ 110 mm. [...]
1200 meters Snap Hardlock™ to railway project in Norrköping, Sweden
Project & location: Rebuild of railway, Norrköping, Sweden Net owner: Trafikverket (The Swedish Transport Administration) Entrepreneur: Strukton Rail Product & quantities: 1200 meters Snap Hardlock™ 110 mm
19 000 meters divisible cable protection pipes to railway project outside Amsterdam
Project/location: Rebuild of platform outside of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Product & quantities: 19000 meters Snap Hardlock™ 110 mm. Client: Pro [...]