Split pipes for temporary installations
At railway projects it is common to have temporary cables still active laying on the ground while a platform or new track is built. To avoid cable damages or third party accidents these cables are protected with divisible pipes. Our solutions Greenpipe Snipp & Snapp® are a highly suitable cable conduit for this purpose. The pipes easily snaps around the active cable enabling continuous operation without the need of splicing and jointing the cable.
Products suitable for railway projects
Bases for street lights, signs, E/V chargers etc. Enhanced quality and lifespan.
Greenpipe’s divisible cable protection pipes at Australia’s railways.
Greenpipe recently provided some 5500 meters of our sustainable and divisible cable protection pipes to Australia via our local distributor Safetrack [...]
2300 m divisible cable protection pipes for Swedish railway project
Project: Temporary protection of cables at construction of new tracks, Lustån, Dalarna county. Product: 2300 meters Snap Hardlock™ 110 mm Contrac [...]
Temporary rail cable protected with Snap Hardlock™
Project & location: Temporary protection at rebuild of railway, Jönköping, Sweden. Net owner: Trafikverket (The Swedish Transport Administration) [...]
Split pipe cable protection at railway tunnel project “Varbergstunneln”
Project & location: "Varbergstunneln", Varberg, Sweden. Net owner: Trafikverket (The Swedish Transport Administration) Entrepreneurs: Infranord & [...]
Divisible cable protection ducts for railway project Flackarp – Arlöv, Sweden
Net owner: Trafikverket (The Swedish Transport Administration) Entrepreneur: NCC/OHL Product & quantities: 3500 meters of Snap Hardlock™ 110 mm. [...]
1200 meters Snap Hardlock™ to railway project in Norrköping, Sweden
Project & location: Rebuild of railway, Norrköping, Sweden Net owner: Trafikverket (The Swedish Transport Administration) Entrepreneur: Strukton Rail Product & quantities: 1200 meters Snap Hardlock™ 110 mm
19 000 meters divisible cable protection pipes to railway project outside Amsterdam
Project/location: Rebuild of platform outside of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Product & quantities: 19000 meters Snap Hardlock™ 110 mm. Client: Pro [...]
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Eric Gröön
Export manager
+46 768 20 25 25